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Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Living Document Causes Trouble

Yesterday's post, wherein your Commissioner gave a breakdown of the standings, has caused consternation in the ranks. Both Snott and Q have raised concerns about the Penalty Points for picking a highly ranked team.

In the latest version of the Rule Book  (and it is the one I emailed KMan our newest member) the penalty points section spells out a change in the rules whereby we penalize the top 10 teams, with #1 starting at minus ten.

The problem is that the Rule Book for Season Ten says we are only penalizing the top 5 teams. And I can't remember there ever being a discussion about the rule change other than an informal one with this or that BRFLer. So, it appears to me that, except for KMan and The Commissioner, everybody was picking based on Season Ten rules.
What I don't understand is why more people aren't complaining. Most likely because they have not checked the blog. Or is it because we really DID discuss it and make the penalty points change?

If you go back to yesterday's post you will see that The Commissioner has fixed his mistake, as he fixes everything that is wrong in this world that is not as perfect as The Commissioner, Long May His Enlightened Reign Continue.
I apologize for calling you a "DoucheMonger", Snott, and questioning your mathematical acumen. You are not a DoucheMonger. You are  DoucheBagger.

All things considered and so that this exchange has not been a total loss, this is a good way to introduce the proposed rule change for next year. Which is that we penalize the Top Ten teams.

My only explanation for all this is that this was a rule change that I thought we should make. I think I talked to DPo about it since he usually does all my thinking for me. But then I made the mistake of writing it in the rule book with the intention of bringing it up at the Jamboree. And then I forgot about it and never brought it up.

In any event, consult your Season Ten Rule Books. That's the one we're going by. KMan, the Season Ten Rule Book is the same as Season Eleven except for the penalty points part. I assume that this section didn't affect your pick. If it did you have my sincere apologies. It affected my pick, that's for shit sure. I have a feeling that, in the end, it won't make any difference. Except to those who picked early and, of course, Snottie who would never have picked FSU if he had to start at minus 7.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Whoa, whoa. Slow down Big Tex. "Don't go changin' to try'n please me." Jesus, I forget to wipe my ass half the time. If I wasn't paying attention, that's on me. Besides Semilnoles are going the win the NC. I'm fine as is.

  2. Naw, ScoDiddle, so far I have McLuvin', Sock, Q, KillerBee, Randog, Timmy! and you all saying they thought it was Top 5. A couple of them would have picked different teams if they knew they were going to start out deep in a hole. I somehow shorted out a synapse here, apparently. I'm glad people spoke up or I would have been doing some complicated cipherin' after game 1.
