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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Jim Harbaugh: the Interview

There are no words.
Literally. no words. Jim Harbaugh has no words.


  1. From the San Francisco beat writer:

    Harbaugh likes to shut down people’s questions. He’ll quibble with the wording, or simply refuse to answer. Especially if he doesn’t know the questioner.

    Sometimes a famous national writer would come to Santa Clara for a day to ask Harbaugh a few questions during his group interview. The writer seemed to expect thoughtful, in-depth answers from Harbaugh, as if Harbaugh’s would be impressed by the writer’s byline, as if Harbaugh shut down only the local beat writers.

    For national writers like this, Harbaugh would reserve his shortest, most awkward answers. And every time, Harbaugh would catch the writer completely by surprise. The writer would quickly follow up with two or three questions and try to force a good answer out of Harbaugh, and Harbaugh would answer in monosyllables. And the writer would sit there fuming.

    In that respect, Harbaugh was tremendously egalitarian.

    Colin Cowherd is a megadouch.

  2. He IS a mega-douche. Plus, he said some unflattering things about JHarbaugh a year or two ago so this was probably just payback.
    What kind of a name is "Colin Cowherd"?
