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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bad news about your finances

It was January 27, 2015 when the fateful post went up:

"Season Nueve ; The Dollars"

(click on pictures for a larger, more robust view.)

I can understand somebody wanting to ignore this kind of bad news. 
And, pretty much, everybody did ignore it. Except Scott, who gloried in his co-championship.

But...wait. There's more. It's worse than you thought. 

Remember how I said, many posts ago, that I forgot to collect any money at last year's payout? No twenties and tens to bankroll the good times we had with GG and Heismaniac? (Okay, some of us had good times.) 

So, yeah. Everybody, except maybe Paul who might have given me his money, everybody, including me, owes another 30 bucks. 20 for GG and 10 for Heismaniac.

Here's how I see it:

Scott: 30 dollars
Don Jimborleone (formerly Jimbsosuke): 30
Randude: 30
McLuvin: 30 (did you give me money? I think not.)
Seabag: 30
Teeblations: 30 ( you net $7 on the season. Could have been worse.)

Here's where it gets ugly:

BroFro: 65 (Maybe.Could be only 35.)
SockPuppet: 58
ClmboSlice: 73
CCS: 108
DPo: 123
Henry: 214 (hurtin')
Q: 240 (ouch)

It may be worse this year. We're adding a new member. 
Now, if you are not going to make it to the Jamboree you'll want to be mailing that dough to BRFL World headquarters at 30 Fair Street, Cooperstown, NY 13326. August 1st will be here before you know it. If you won money and can't make it and want me to just subtract 30 bucks from your total winnings that's fine. I'll mail you your diminished stack o' Green day after the blow out. 

Always be researching. 

Yours sincerely,

Don Jimborleone,
Commissioner for Life


  1. Q and Seannie Graham all paid up. Leading the way with the big old check. Muchas Gracias, Grahamalito.
    Bad news: Tim Bonnett's invite to the Jambopalooza was "return to sender, address unknown". A dire development. People, we have a lost BRFLer. Who has a good likeness of Teeba for a milk carton campaign?

    Don Jimborleone

  2. DPo comes through with the big old check and some scripture. Total dedication. And Teeba surfaces. Thanks to all who contributed to the 'Have You Seen Tballs?" milk carton campaign.
