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Friday, July 11, 2014

Bloggin', M'Bitches.

I've had an inquiry as to how to post on this here blog.

Uh....K. If yer already a contributor (and most of you IS a contributor) ya'll just go on up to the right han corner of yer screen and tap that there thing says "New post". That will take you to a new page. Dang if it don't look jest like a blank piece o' paper. Up the top there you gonna' see the word "Post' in orange letters, followed by a blank box. That there's where you put the title of yer post. Like, if it's about douchin' you'd put in somethin' like, oh....Douchin'. If youse Mikey you'd put Douchin'!!!!!!! then you haul off and post down below there. You can import video and paste yer damn pictures of bears and shit like that all you want. Ain't nobody gonna' even TRY to stop ya'. Then, when youse just about done with yer postin', ya'll go own back up the right han corner 'gin and hit that there word "Publish" which is in whaahte in an orange box and the very next damn tahm you log into the blog (like f'rinstance if you wanna look at yer masterpiece right away ya'll could go the left hand corner and tap "view blog") you gonna' see what ya' done did  on this here blog and I betcha' you gone be some damn happy doucher.

Ya'll enjoy yer postin' now, here?

Commissioner for Life


  1. Well, DANG! It done turns out some a you old boys ain't got nuthin't that say "NEW POST" up thar in the raht han corner a the blog page. What the fuckz goin' own, dadgummit sumbitches?! Like Scodouche, for zample, he got somethin sayin' "dashboard" there. Ima get th' gawd dam bottum a this shit raht quik f'shore.

  2. You forgot the part about logging in first, then you see the "new post" thingy.

  3. So.. i umm... errr.. DELETED THE GOOGLE account so I'm actually not a contributor. I just look like one on the screen. So.. i need to become a new contributor. How does that happen mr effin' techno doc?

  4. Login first. Like DrewDawg said. Should work after that. Stay logged in for life. That's my advice.

  5. Also, you can search for google, open it, there will be a column called "more". Click this, it drops down a menu. You choose "blogger". If you have a gmail address it will ask for your password. put it in and the next thing you should see is a page with Blacks Road Football league on it. Hit view blog and you should be taken to the page and there should be a "new post" spot up in the right hand corner.

  6. If'n youse done don't have a gmail acct the BRFL URL is
