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Monday, March 3, 2014

Rich Rod, Academy Award Nominee.


  1. ...and the Oscar goes to........................

  2. The Oscar goes to dumb ass Will Muschamp who said that he "could care less about the rule". What he was worried about was the officials having time to get in position to call the game.
    Note to Mullett Muschamp: the expression is "couldn't care less". "Could care less" means that he kind of cares. As for the officials, last I checked the ref doesn't have to spot the ball until he's damn good and ready and part of what goes into that is making sure he's satisfied that the back judge and the field judge and all the other shit is in place for him to spot the ball.
    This was a great weasel by Muschamp. He plays Pro-Slow offense and he really wants the rule but it's so obvious and dumb that he doesn't want to look like he's as much of a schmuck as TuscaLucifer and Bert Bielema. So he came up with another reason that you need to slow down up tempo offenses.

  3. Pussies that can't adapt to new strategies need to be waterboarded !! Hard.
