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Monday, February 24, 2014

Stone Cold Part Deux: The Legendary Beer Truck Incident

The T-shirts are here! The T-shirts are HERE, "Billy"!

More good news, and this is for you, ChuckMeHard, mi amigo.

Guests for dinner, JUST LAST NIGHT. Was it, well, kind of a pain in the ass? Sure. It knocked me off my usual Sunday routine of sleeping late followed by early afternoon drunkenness and epic sloth. (BroFinger, I blame you for forcing me to exercise and wear size 11 double boots. I curse you, Big Scumbag).
But... Cloud. Silver Lining. Nome sane, Bitches? Denise, going balls out to clean up those special messes I leave in every room in the house without discrimination unearthed....wait for it....the BRFL early deposit T-shirt money! Under a stack of old magazines and unpaid bills! God bless her. And you will bless her too, ChazBro, because there, amidst a pile of money-smelling money, was YOUR check for $176 dollars that I  never cashed ( no doubt putting a serious thwart in your efforts to balance YOUR checking account). halla fucking LOUyah, I'm rich! I had forgotten your epic season 7 losses. Cheer UP, Homes. The T-shirts are HERE!

God DAMN it, Boys. I love me some ME!

Commissioner for Life


  1. I already paid for THIS year too CFL, so can you please have Denise look under the couch cushions, in the dryer lint trap and maybe under Bella's bedding to see if you have my check?

