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Monday, January 6, 2014

GG Bowls, Chapter 14: National Championship

Lead change in GG, Bros:

BroFro adds 2, 80.
Bungholio whiffs on both, 0, 79.
McLovin' logs a zero, 74
Chip n' Sniff adds 2, 73
Snottie sweeps! adds 5, 66
Jimbosuke adds 2, 65
Randude adds 2, 42
Sockpuppet shut out, 42
ClemboSlice, 37
Q, 36
Tbong, 34
SeaGra, 33

Tonight, #1 Florida State v #2 the Auburn Tigers, 8:30 PM, ESPN in the Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA.


This one is worth 10 and will, most likely, decide a tight GG race.
Chip n' Stuff, McLovin', Bungholio and BroPubes could all take the 1st place cheese.

The way I remember GG since the last time I ran it is first place get's 80%, second gets 20% and third gets your 20 bucks back. We had universal participation. 20 bucks for 12 spots, 240 - 20, 220 purse. 80% of the purse = 176 bucks, 20% is 44 dollars and third gets 20. Check the math, Bros. DBung I know I said 70/30 and 20 bucks earlier but I think McLovin' was doing 80/20 and 20.

Jimbosuke is taking the Plainsmen of Auburn. Go Tigers. War Damn Eagle.


  1. I think it is supposed to be 51%, 49% and $20. Maybe we should vote on it.

  2. War Eagle..
    and Sean... really? You are losing to me, even? I didn't submit picks for a huge chunk of the season...... wtf?

  3. Checked back in the archives. McLovin' was splitting it 70/30 and 20 bucks.
    1st place takes $154, second takes $66 and third gets their 20 bucks back.
    next year we should maybe make it 80/20, just to be jerks about it. and 20 bucks for third.

    Commissioner for Life

    1. Confirmed----70%, 30%, then the $20 entry fee back for first, second and third accordingly.....McLovin'

  4. Dear Tools,
    I know what you're doing and you should know that the Commissioner, Long May He Reign, will not accept any picks for the national championship game after the opening kick off.
    Commissioner for Life

    1. Duly noted, Your Excellancy. Until that time, however we can treat this exercise as an E-bay purchasing scenario, waiting out the other dickheads to strike when the time is right, at the eleventh hour, just before the fat bitch starts singin'...............................................except for Paul, who voted like 15 years ago for this important game...

    2. Hey Drew and Chip, I just heard that maybe the game wasn't going to start tonight until about 10 PM, so take your time with your picks..........
      no hurry.

  5. In my house, we don't play for second place. Hear me, BroFro? Win or go home, Bitches.

    This may be like choosing broken glass in the bung or a swarm of hornets in the bung, but I'm going with...


    Suck it, Bungplugs.


    McLovin' picks AUBURN.

  7. CCS checking with actuaries and statiticians, reading tarot cards, rolling dice and praying for guidance?

  8. Replies
    1. Way to hold out to be the last pick Man....much respect....

  9. Congrats to all of the GG winners, especially Number One, Bro Fro.

    Nice work!

  10. Sitting in my hovel,sipping Heddy Topper, wearing my 2009 Quattrophenia BRFL Quo vadis grey tee with lovely red and yellow accents, I had little hope. Little faith. For that I am unworthy.

  11. And so it is.

    The Gridiron Guru, Season Ocho, BroFro: payday is $154.
    Congrats to BroFro. He had a rough BRFL season with VTech.

    Second Place, storming in there at the end: Chip n' Sniff. payday $66

    Third Place, played to win and got the shaft, BungRider. payday $20.

    Last year's GG Champ was Chip n' Syph. Don't remember it going down to the wire like this. Nice work, Boys. GG settled in the final minute of the final game.

    Too bad it was those holes from Florida and not the Plainsmen.


    Commissioner for Life

  12. Bodacious workload grinding through the college game season. That's a long furrow to hoe. Well done, Jimbosuksall.

  13. Congrats again to the winners, and kudos to The Commissioner for the hard work....see you in the Summer !

  14. Didn't have much time to participate this season, and what a great season it was! Where did Teddy Bridgewater and the Cards endup in the AP?

  15. #15. won their bowl game. T. Bridgewater declared for draft. Coach left for a better job. Had a pretty good season.
