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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Seannie Effect

Hark, Brothers and Sisters:

This year we're settling with SeaGra and Q from Season 5. You will recall that the G-posse disappeared from the stats after week 8. Best not to talk about that. Those were dark days.
But, you will also recall, that Season 5 was the season that SeaGra was an early adapter of Cam Newtonmania. He picked Auburn and, after week 8, people were starting to notice. They were starting to think The Camster was the real deal. Sure, there were doubters. There were haters. There were those that were hoping for a late season suspension. Surely the Plainsmen wouldn't get by Satan in the Iron Bowl. Surely not.

But, lo, BRFLers. The Tigers won the Iron Bowl, won the SEC championship
and rolled over Oregon to win the National Championship. Meanwhile, Jimobuske's Cardinal of Stanford toiled away and the Commissioner for Life watched Seannie, unofficially, close the gap. With his other wall-eye the Commish watched Q's dismal Pitt Panthers start to resurrect their season. And more significantly stop hemorrhaging Q Cash.

At the end of week 8, Seannie had 34 points. He finished with a staggering 57. Helped by the 3 for the conference championship and the 10 for the national championship. Jimbosuke strutted across the finish line with 54. Who could beat 54!!! Seannie. With 57. FUCK! Are you kidding me?? No.
Fortunately, Q lost a sweet $274. But SeaGra picked UP $546. Which may be a record. Net to Seannie: $272.

See him pick up this nice chunk of walking-around-money August 4, around 6 PM, @ 30 Fair. (This money is coming from the BRFL guns-for-beer profits, so you're not on the hook for it, stop worrying douches.) Don't show up at 279 Black, People. The kids up there will wonder what you want. They may shoot at you. I don't know.

But here's the thing. Seannie and Q were absent last year from BRFL Six. And the payout is anemic, I have to say. Just not a lot of $$$ changing hands. Be thankful you had a year off from the Seannie Effect. If you lost this year it could have been much, much worse. And if Seannie gets back in this year? Pray like hell that he brings Q or make your peace with your God and get out your wallet.

1 comment:

  1. Righteous and Just ... Makes be proud to be a BRFLer....The Steaming Pile
