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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2011 Final standings

Current StandingsPts Randy29 Henry27 Charles26 Mike25 Timmy!16 Chip14 Drew10 Jim10 Paul8 Clem6 Scott1 Mind Freak-2


  1. It was the wrong year to win, Randude. Lots of bad, bad picks and not much separation. Thank god for guys like ClemboSlice, Scott and Mind Freak. DON'T LAUGH! That could be you this year. Or me. BYU was lucky to score 10. What was the Commissioner thinking?!

    August 4th, 6PM, Scott.

    1. How many of these douchettes are going to head to Blacks Road for the soiree? Or am I the only one who has not been invited to the new Fair Street digs?

  2. Right you are DoubleD. August 4, 6 PM, 30 Fair St. Change or venue. Fewer mosquitoes. Greater police presence. Downside: have to suck up to codes officer.
    New tenants @ 279 Black have beer but not as much as they would need for a full blown jambopalooza. Sprawling empire getting too big? I. Don't. Think so.
    BRFL front office wants more. Instructions from Edward Fair. Highest priority. More land. More power. More cash. More of everything. Get back to work. Edward Fair wants more.

  3. Who the fuck is Edward Fair?

  4. He's a man of mystery. Do not mess with this fucker.
    He just got out of prison.

  5. Edward Fair is the spawn of Marie Grove...
