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Saturday, May 30, 2020

The BRFL adapts to social disorder

Take THAT, tax-payer.

Greetings from Columbus, Ohio!

Yes. Oh, yes.
Social disorder.
I read a disturbing article (also an overlong article, but still) about the Boogaloo movement.
Now I  know what all those Hawaiin shirts at Stewart's were all about.

Trying times, Brothers and Sisters.

Apparently there will be college football this year.Though it promises to be pretty weird.  Maybe a late start? Social distancing makes every game look like Alabama v the Citadel in Tuscaloosa near the end of the fourth quarter?
I don't know.
The Omniscient Commissioner is having a really hard time wrapping his massive cerebrum around this.
But I am concerned.
Admitting a fuck-up here (rare for someone as genius-level as the Commissioner).
Should NOT have skipped the payout last year. Remember; Skipped 'cause of our new puppy who was, let's just say, a "biter".

 Still. A few wounds, easily bound. We could have honored CCS and his win with...Alabama? Clemson? I forget.
Yet, sure, it was a bad call. After further review, I should have doubled down on the hydrogen pyroxide, bandages and tetanus shots and just called the fucking caterer. Who knew?

Now we are really in the shit.
NY State has an ever-shifting menu of what is allowed and what is not allowed thanks to our ( "I only want to be the Governor of New York" ) Governor.
Travel is complicated. (Imagine "Timmy!", who is probably, right now, sitting down at the baccarat table in an all-nude Casino in Macau, showing up at the BRFL shindig with a nasal swab still sticking out of his nose?).
Even I, so like a God, don't really know what to recommend.

Rest assured, or as the case maybe, less than totally panicked, that Your Commissioner is STILL THINKING ABOUT IT. That may not sound like a big deal but be not afraid, Plebian, Your Commissioner considers this  a VERY big deal indeed.

More details after I talk it over with The Man Upstairs,

Commissioner for Life


  1. Get R Dun, Commish, count me in to celebrate a "Two-Fer" of the retro victory for the almighty CCS and the long suffering but now current Champion Q!!
    Both deserve a shindig for honors, even if we have to go underground and hold it "speakeasy style" like the days of prohibition!!

  2. Q and I escaped the 13346 and are sitting on a beach. Hope we can get back across the border.

  3. There is no covid on the beach Q
