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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

GG, Body Count.

Greetings, BRFLers,

For those GGers out there, here's how the contest shook out this year. GG continues to maintain a death-grip on a small but fanatical subset of the BRFL. I salute you.

Brothers and sisters;

And so it came to pass that on the final round of Bowls, GG Bowls Round 8, the Commissioner, blessings and good tidings be upon him, seemed to, basically, walk off the job. No results were ever posted in the final round, GG Bowls 8, Here they are;

It was week 21, and BroFro did indeed prove untouchable.

TOSU bested Obama's Wash U Huskies 28 - 23.
Texas dropped Georgia 28 - 21 surprising everyone but Seannie Graham.
And Clemson (CCS) put the wood to Bama (McLovin) 44 - 16 to win the Natty.

BroFro walks away with the cheese. Picked up one point to go to 55.
CCS comes in at #2. 2 points in week 21 and he ends with 51. Only a sweep could have saved him and, well, no.
KBronie pulls in with 1 point and helps out the Commissioner by avoiding the dreaded third place tie. Ends the season with 49.

The rest are, basically, losers.
Seannie with 48,
McLovin with 48,
Randi with 45,
Obama with 45,
DThong with 44,
BoSuckie with 43 and SockPuppet, who threw in the towel somewhere during bowl season, 34.

One recalls that the entry fee for GG is 20 bucks.
Winner gets 70% of 200 (total purse is 200 and third place gets their 20 bucks back).
That's 140 bucks for BroFro.
$40 for CCS.
And $20 back to KBronie.

Nice tight race all the way down the line. Lot of shit talk. Just the way it should go.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Fuck you and that big dick your puckered bung is currently riding. Obviously a totally rigged shit show from the get-go.

  2. That's the stuff, D Po. Get that preseason going in the right direction.
