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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

GG Bowls, Round 7 Results

GG Round 7 Results:

Mississippi State dumped by Iowa, 27 - 22.
LSU snuffs the UCF candle, 40 - 32. Enough with 'the streak' talk.
Kentucky, yes, Kentucky drops Penn State 27 - 24. Not just a basketball school anymore, I guess.

BroFro, 1 to go to 54. Unassailable?
CCS, 1 to go to 49. Not impossible.
KBron, 1 to go to 48. Please, not another tie for second.
SeannieG, Naught! Stay at 46. Penn State?! Really?
McSuckin, just exactly what is it with this asshole? SWEEP  to go to 47. Three out of the last 4 GGs this fucker has swept. Not happy about it.
Randi, Naught! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Stay at 44.
Obama, 1 to go to 44.
DThong, 1 to go to 44.
'BoSuke, 1 to go to 42. As if it matters.
SuckPuppet, in a bar somewhere, in despair, 34.


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