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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Meechy to Auburn

Crazy Jim Harbaugh.


  1. Sweet, an accomplished db. 5 secondary transfers since Muschamp showed up. All non starters but WTF!

  2. Countess was all B1G db as a sophomore but didn't do much last year. At 165 lbs he was not suited for the recent move to press coverage and overall MANBAWL Michigan is playing. Interestingly, there is an Auburn db likely to transfer to Ann Arbor. College free agency has arrived.

  3. Am I getting this wrong or does college free agency actually, weirdly encourage "student-athletes" to get their degrees? If Blake Countess had not graduated this spring he couldn't go to Auburn to play another year. He'd have to sit out, correct? So, for the marginal NFL prospect, early enrollment (winter semester after early high school matriculation), coupled with a timely red-shirt year, leads to early graduation and then, depending on the situation, you stay with your original program for that last year of eligibility (during which you don't need to "play school") or you go pro (if you're a potential first or second rounder) or you take the fat stacks of cash Auburn just offered you to bail on Meechy and come to the most beautiful village on the Plains.
    Am I right here or am I right?

    Thinkin' of everything,


  4. Your well-reasoned and thoughtful comments have no place on this blog. What's your deal?

  5. It also tilts (finally) the balance of power slightly to the athlete especially when they are still bound to their commitment after a coaching change, which often leads to a system change. Think of a degree-holding, 5th year senior Tom Brady having to play in a Rich Rodriguez spread offense and run the ball 20 times a game. He would likely be bagging groceries now at the Piggly Wiggly and Giselle would be making me a post coital sandwich.

  6. As long as we get much needed db depth I'm all for it..... Giselle. What kind of fucking name is that? This is a guess, but those two airheads must be the most annoying couple on the planet.

    1. "Giselle" is a robotic fuck-machine deployed by an alien civilzation. I have video evidence. "Tom Brady" is as dumb as a sack full of hammers but he's happy.
