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Thursday, May 30, 2013

NCAA's Last Gleaming?

I don’t want to talk about this. But I think you have to see it, so… here it is. Warning: it’s slightly Not Safe For Breakfast.
(H/T @LandGrant33, and by H/T I mean Y U HATE MY EYES?)
Bucknuts. That is all.

Car washings is serious business

NCAA rules are dumb. But until now, we didn’t know just how dumb:
NCAA Violations
Yup, a University had to report a secondary violation because an athlete washed her carwith University water. According to Lost Lettermen, the full story is about as dumb as you would expect:
A WCC school self-reported an extra benefits violation to the NCAA when university officials caught one of their women’s golfers washing her car on campus, according to the source. The NCAA ruled a secondary violation had occurred because the water was not available to regular students and demanded the golfer pay back $20, which was deemed to be the value of the water and use of the hose.”
It was a violation because the USE OF A HOSE WAS AN IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFIT. And she had to PAY $20 because the hose wasn’t available to the general student body. In other words, this thing that is generally unavailable to the general student body is fine:
Ross Academic Center
Ross Academic Center
And this will lead us slouching to SMU:
Water Hose
Once again, fine:
Pryor Corvette
Pryor Bucket
Save us Obi-Wan KenO’Bannon. You’re our only hope.
(NOTE: the second violation, while less funny, is probably worse. How can someone make some kind of impermissible contact with a recruit when he doesn’t  know who he is talking to? We lawyer types call that “mens rea.” Everyone else calls it “holy itchy Gold Bond balls, use some common sense you ridiculous tools”)


  1. Is JenVrabel his wife? His daughter? WTF? The guy played in the pros for 30 years and they have one bathroom? One? Okay, he played for the Patriots and they are super tight with the cash but still. Plus, what a missed opportunity by Vrabes. How about, "@JenVrabel1, you can get to work licking my balls when I get home. Enjoy that gold bond taste, Bitch." What a total pussy. Tingly sensation my ass. "@JenVrabel1, how about a mouthful of my balls later?". "@JenVrabel1, how about I stuff my nutsack, gold bond and all, into your big mouth, Whore?" Or, "@JenVrabel1, is that Gold Bond powder all over your chin or are you just glad to see my cock?"

    1. Unleash that anger, Jimbond. Hurt the Gold Bond secret is out? Getting riled up for the jambo? Don't peak too early, don't want you blowing a hammy. Or a homeless dude.
