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Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Got A Shed Like Dat

Picture Pages: Datbull

By BiSB — May 21st, 2013 at 4:30 PM — 138 comments
By now everyone has heard the saga of Jay Harris. The former Michigan State wide receiver commit out of Pennsylvania has parted ways with the Spartans to pursue his rap career. There are varying accounts of exactly what happened; Harris claimed it was a mutual decision, and MSU sources are indicating they dropped him like... well, like a Michigan State wide receiver would drop something. But with all the drama of how this went down, one thing got lost in the shuffle: the music.
[Caution: lyrics are very much NSFW]
Harris put together a this epic music video, so it's only fitting that we analyze said video to try to unlock the genius within.
0:00 - 000
We open on the most hardcore of all yard equipment storage structures, the shed. This particular shed is especially thug, because it is tagged. On the inside. So whoever was inside the shed would know whose shed it was. A lone young man sits, and while we presume him to be our protagonist, but he has not yet told us his name.
0:04 - 004
Oh damn, there goes that scholarship. Oh well. Now we can move on to our hero's true talents like...
0:07 -007
...being a fire-breathing dragon.
0:10 - 010
"Datbull fo life. Fo fo life. I'm Datbull fo life. Fo life..."
Finally, a flicker of insight into his identity. Yes, our hero has a name. And like most males, he will go by that name for the rest of his life. But apparently he has had trouble in the past convincing people of either his identity or the vehemence with which he will stand by that identity, so he repeats himself several times to drive home his point. He is Datbull, and he shall remain as such for life.
0:14 - 014
He seems to have lost focus, though in fairness it seems to be through little fault of his own.
0:17 - 017
Mr. Bull has surrounded himself with a group of likeminded compatriots, but one (who may or may not be pre-weight loss Jonah Hill) has been ostracized from the group. He is made to stand behind a gate. This seems unfair, but perhaps there is a good reason. Only time will tell.
0:27 - 027
"I'm Datbull fo life. I take yo wife. Take his b*tch and his b*tch..."
Our scene shifts to the pavilion at a local park. Pavilions, of course, are among the thuggest of the open-air structures. What, were you gonna say that pagodas are harder? You think a weak-ass gazebo could survive in the rap game? Hell no. But I hope they reserved that pavilion, because if that Boy Scout Troop shows up, they'll kick you out again. They plan ahead.
0:40 - 040
"She dancin' [in close proximity to my genitals] like she practicing that ballet" 
That's... sir, that's not a nice thing to say about his wife.
1:19 -  119
"And there's mollys in the building so you know I'm popping three..."
We return to the safety of the shed, and we are led to notice the amount of seating available. How many gatherings are you hosting in this shed?
1:29 - 129
[I have no idea what he's saying]
This is a tactical error by the director. This large pile of money is barely noticeable. That should be fanned out and/or made to rain. This is standard protocol.
1:34 134
[Something about being Van Gogh if Van Gogh smoked weed]
Another embarrassing mistake with the vehicle shot. We clearly see our cameraman's hand on the 'oh shit' handle.
1:38 - 138
Dude, you just got your own words wrong. We need to get out of this car. Go back to the shed. Or the the street. Things were going pretty well in the street.
1:45 - 145
"I'm like Jordan to the game but you can call me DB..."
Thank God, we're back on the street. And it appears that Datbull has carried on the recent tradition of Michigan State wide receiver commits, in that he (a) enjoys basketball, and (b) won't end up playing wide receiver at Michigan State.
2:02 202Ja
They've finally let Jonah Hill out from behind the gate, which DAMNIT JONAH GET YOUR HAND OFF OF YOUR JUNK. We're filming a goddamn music video here. I know what? No. Get back behind your gate.
2:08 - 208
" can call me Datbull. Fo life. Fo fo life. Fo life. You know. You know."
The lyrics conclude. But there is still a full 1:18 left in the video. I'm not sure how we're gonna fill that time, but whatever. Once you’ve made your point, there’s really no point in continuing. And I think we’re all pretty clear about the message. Datbull. Fo Life.
2:15 - 215
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
2:22 - 222
The group gathers once more under the pavilion. Jonah has been forced to stand to the side. This is for everyone's safety (see: 2:02).
2:29 - 229
We fade to black. There are still 57 seconds left in the video. It's clear now how we are going to fill the remaining time: by not.
2:46 - 246
And now we're completely dark. Do... do we leave now? I mean, there's still some sound, but it's like they forgot we were still here. Oh well, let's wait to see if there are some special features at the end, like Datbull and his friends eating shawarma.
3:00 - 300
Not looking promising.
3:26 300
Nope. Just a bold and unconventional artistic choice by the artist, as if to say, 'I don't need graphics or lyrics or sounds of any kind. I'm Datbull. Fo life. You know? You know."

NCAA's Last Gleaming?

I don’t want to talk about this. But I think you have to see it, so… here it is. Warning: it’s slightly Not Safe For Breakfast.
(H/T @LandGrant33, and by H/T I mean Y U HATE MY EYES?)
Bucknuts. That is all.

Car washings is serious business

NCAA rules are dumb. But until now, we didn’t know just how dumb:
NCAA Violations
Yup, a University had to report a secondary violation because an athlete washed her carwith University water. According to Lost Lettermen, the full story is about as dumb as you would expect:
A WCC school self-reported an extra benefits violation to the NCAA when university officials caught one of their women’s golfers washing her car on campus, according to the source. The NCAA ruled a secondary violation had occurred because the water was not available to regular students and demanded the golfer pay back $20, which was deemed to be the value of the water and use of the hose.”
It was a violation because the USE OF A HOSE WAS AN IMPERMISSIBLE BENEFIT. And she had to PAY $20 because the hose wasn’t available to the general student body. In other words, this thing that is generally unavailable to the general student body is fine:
Ross Academic Center
Ross Academic Center
And this will lead us slouching to SMU:
Water Hose
Once again, fine:
Pryor Corvette
Pryor Bucket
Save us Obi-Wan KenO’Bannon. You’re our only hope.
(NOTE: the second violation, while less funny, is probably worse. How can someone make some kind of impermissible contact with a recruit when he doesn’t  know who he is talking to? We lawyer types call that “mens rea.” Everyone else calls it “holy itchy Gold Bond balls, use some common sense you ridiculous tools”)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jailbreak at the Big House, 1979

This one's for you, Earle.

Commissioner for Life

One Less Golden Domer

Everett Golson kicked out of Notre Dame for an undisclosed violation.
Coach Brian Kelly gets the news and doesn't handle it well.

Commissioner for Life

Sunday, May 5, 2013

ClemboSlice in the House

What's he saying? What's he thinking?
You make the call.

a) "I love the BRFL"
b) "Extra cheese, Tony"
c) "They said it was mud. I never heard anything about any dog shit."
d)  He's just grinding one out on the camp can.

Me, I'm just grateful for the large wad of cash he laid in my hand to keep the BRFL afloat another year.
That's what International Founding Fathers DO. They step up. 
Even if it means eating cat food for a year. Or two.

Commissioner for Life

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Noise of Thunder

July 20th.
30 Fair Street.
6 PM.
The Man comes around.
Don't miss it.

Commissioner for Life